
Louisiana Summer Camp


LA5Fr Robert DeCesare and Fr Jacob DuMont helped to direct the two camps for young men and boys at Bocamb in Covington, Louisiana this past June. Before the camps began, they had a few days of training for the camp counselors and ECYD Mission Corps volunteers. The two camps took place on June 1 – 7 and June 10 – 16, 2015 at Bocamb Farms in Covington, Louisiana. The first week there were nearly 50 boys and young men and the second week about 30 boys and young men.

The theme for both summer camps was the 200th anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans which we celebrate this year. The campers learned about the history of the Battle as well as some of the important generals and commanders. Some highlights from the two camps included:

  1. A testimony and question and answer session by Archbishop emeritus Alfred Hughes. He spent about an hour and a half with the young men and boys, especially speaking about his own vocation and answering questions about how to have a deeper friendship with Christ in their lives
  2. A testimony from Chef John Folse. He is one of the most famous chefs in the United States and has started his own culinary university. He has his own television show, radio show, and has written a number of books. Chef John Folse is a strong Catholic who loves his faith and brings it into his “work place”. Chef John Folse cooked the inaugural dinner for the past 5 presidents of the United States. He said that the “biggest” meal that he cooked, though, was for Pope John Paul II at Castel Gandalfo in Italy.
  3. A visit to the city of New Orleans in order to do a faith survey in front of the Cathedral, have Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, and to take a ride down the Mississippi River on the Natchez steamboat.
  4. Sports, swimming, and outdoor games

The boys had mass and spiritual reflections each day as well as the opportunity for confession. On the final day of each camp there was a mass for the boys’ and their families as well as an awards ceremony.