
Renewal in Maritimes Canada

“If you are who you are called to be, you will set the world ablaze.”- St Catherine of Siena. “Today, Lord Jesus, we call your name (Jer. 14:9) with greater intensity.” (Prayer for the Renewal of Regnum Christi)

Joy, hope, renewed zeal, gratitude, and a sense of community were all expressions we used to define what we were feeling about our Regnum Christi vocation on Saturday, May 9th, 2015 as we gathered together to wrap up Phase I of the Renewal Process. Our meeting included members of the Movement from the Canadian Maritime Provinces of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. There were conferences on each of the 5 study themes with opportunities for each to participate in discussions and share their reflections.

We were blessed with the presence of Tawnya Arsenault, who shared the perspective of her experience of renewal within her vocation as a Consecrated Woman of Regnum Christi. Tawyna also lent her expertise in presenting two of the themes for us. Other legionaries, consecrated women, and a consecrated lay man from the Maritimes also joined us by video to encourage us in our efforts of renewal.

There was a general sense of renewed zeal for our personal vocations, and the extension of Christ’s kingdom through our shared Regnum Christi vocation. We had a presentation on the two major aspects of Phase 2, voting and election of delegates, and the group discernment of the Working Document. This sense of longing to know Christ’s will for our Movement, articulated in our statutes, showed itself as the members present quickly formed their groups and discussed dates for meetings.

While 17 adults gathered for the conferences throughout the day, many others sent their regrets and we look forward to hearing from them as we work together on Phase 2. As we prepare for Pentecost, we pray for the abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all Regnum Christi members as we gather under Mary’s eyes to “contemplate our charism with new eyes in order that we may be able to incarnate it and articulate it more fully.” (Prayer for the Renewal of Regnum Christi)

By Deb D’Ettore